Header imagePastor Colvin  



The day to day administration of the congregation is managed by the elected Church Council (Padome). The Council consists of the President and six members who are each elected for two year terms. Individual Council member responsibilities are determined by the Council. We are grateful to our Heavenly Father, to be blessed with such a dedicated and gifted group of people, who serve in such a wonderful manner.


The President,Mr Eigits Timermanis is a retired Flight engineer. He has served on the Church Council as treasurer and vice- president

Council meetings are held on the first Sunday of the month, after Church, and are also attended by the Pastor and President of the Ladies' Auxiliary, in an ex officio capacity.

Every Sunday, a Church Council member is rostered to serve in the Church office.

Church council

Front row: Mara Timermanis; Baiba Liberts; Ruta Hagens; Inara Gedgovds. 2. Row: Goga Timermanis; Valdis Kradzins; Ivars Birze: Pr. Colvin MacPherson

The 2014 Council is:

Mr Eigits (Goga) Timermanis – President

Mr Ivars Birze - Vice President

Mr Valdis Kradzins – Secretary

Ms Baiba Liberts - Treasurer

Mrs Ruta Hagens – Council Member

Mrs Inara Gedgovds – Council Member

Mrs Mara Timermanis - Council Member


